Tuesday, May 11, 2010

ere analogy examples and great analogies explained so you can use them as tools in your writing. There is nothing like an example of analogy to help you in your songwriting.

An analogy is a comparison between two different things so you can point out something about how they are similar. The comparison often is done point by point.

It often is done to explain something not well known by describing something that is known so you can generalize the information from what you already understand to the new thing.

Its a way to provide insight by suggesting existing similarities suggest that there are even more points that are similar.

Using analogies helps the reader to see the logic in your example, perhaps create a visual awareness of what you are talking about and helps them verbalize and understand your suggestion. It transfers information from one particular subject to another.

It does this by inferring the similarity. It does not prove the similarity such as making deductions. What you generally demonstrate is how "a" and "b" is similar somehow to the relationship between "c" and "d".

Here are some more specific example of analogy:

1. glove is to hand as monitor is to computer

2. surfs are to a king as earth is to the sun

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